Call For Paper

We are welcoming all the works associated with but not limited to the following issues:

Part 1.

Engineering Technology for Precision Agriculture

— Agricultural Robotics
— Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems,
— Satellite-based applications for Precision Agriculture,
— Proximal and Remote Sensing of Soil and Crop
— Spatial analysis
— Variable-Rate Technology
— Computers,
— Positioning systems,
— Machinery,
— Tillage, planting, manure, irrigation, fertigation,
— Nutrient and crop protection implements,
— Embedded sensing systems,
— Precision pasture Management,
— Site specific crop management (SSCM),
— Drainage Optimization and Variable Rate Irrigation,
— Geostatistics, mapping and spatial data analysis,
— Wireless Sensor Networks,
— Internet of Things,
— Robotics, Guidance and Automation,
— Adoption of Precision Agriculture,
— Small farms/Small Holders and Precision Agriculture,
— On Farm Experimentation with Site-Specific Technologies,
— Software and mobile Apps for Precision Agriculture,
— Decision Support for Precision Agriculture,
— Data Mining for Precision Agriculture
— Yield monitor and mapping,
— Soil physical and chemical characteristic sensors,
— Weed/pest mapping,

Natural Resources Variability and Managing Variability

— Soil and landscape variability,
— Smart Weather for Precision Agriculture,
— Digital elevation models,
— Soil mapping,
— Geostatistics,
— Geographic information systems,
— Microclimate,
— Weather forecasting,
— Remote sensing,
— Management units, scale,
— Sampling techniques,
— Site-specific nutrient and crop protection chemical recommendation,
— Crop quality,
— Tillage,
— Seed density, seed variety,
— Yield mapping,
— Remote sensing,
— Record keeping systems,
— Data interpretation and use, crops (corn, wheat, sugar beets, potatoes, peanut, cotton, vegetables, etc.),
— Management scale.

Energy efficiency in agriculture

— Energy efficiency of agricultural production systems of different types,
— Primary energy consumption (PEC) in agriculture,
— Resource and energy saving, non-waste technologies,
— Energy savings in agricultural machinery and mechanization (clean fuels (biodiesel, biogas/CNG, electric and hybrid Vehicles, LPG, hydrogen vehicle),
— Fuel efficiency,
— Agricultural robot,

Part 2. Precision Agriculture

All accepted papers  will be published in Journal «E3S Web of Conferences»

Precision farming

— Site-Specific Nutrient,
— Lime and Seed Management
— Site-Specific canopy,
— Harvest quality,
— Nutrient,
— Crop protection chemicals
— Precision Horticulture
— Precision Viticulture
— Precision Crop Protection
— Differential harvest
— Precision Livestock Farming (PLF)
— Controlling environment in animal husbandry
— Performance and welfare monitoring
— PLF approaches to enable sustainable production
— PLF to support decision-making and solutions
— Precision technology in product development, optimization and testing
— Monitoring companion animals

Organic Farming and Soil Management

— Farming system research and development,
— Crop diversity,
— Soil management,
— Environmental impact and emissions,
— Nutrient leaching,
— Food quality and safety,
— Soil conservation,
— Plant production and Animal husbandry,
— Weed management,
— Controlling other organisms,
— Genetic modification,
— Resource management,
— Agro-ecology,
— Innovations in Organic Agriculture

Agriculture Biotechnology and Food Process Engineering

— Animal Biotechnology,
— Biocatalysts,
— Biodegradation of Hazardous Substances,
— Bioinformatics,
— Biomaterials,
— Biotechnology in Food,
— Biotechnology of Microbial Enzymes,
— Cell/Molecular Biotechnology,
— Environmental Biotechnology,
— Enzyme and Microbial Technology,
— Food Technology and Biotechnology,
— Genetics and Genetical Engineering,
— Hygienic Design of Equipment in Food Processing,
— Industrial Biotechnology,
— Marine Biotechnology,
— Microbial Physiology,
— Metabolism and Gene Expression,
— Modern Biotechnology in Food Safety and Quality,
— Plant Biotechnology


The manuscript should follow the IMRAD format

The title may be reprinted in bibliographies and subject indexes, stored in bibliographic databases and cited in other articles. Therefore, the title is an extremely important component of the paper. A good title of a research paper should:
• Limit to 12 words
• Be easy to understand
• Describe the contents of the paper accurately and specifically
• Avoid abbreviations and jargon
• Not include any verb
• Not contain low-impact words such as ‘‘Some notes on..’’ ‘‘Investigations on..’’ ‘‘Study of..’’
• Report the subject of the research rather than the results
• Follow the style preference of the target journal.

The Abstract is a short version of the full paper. 150–250 words. The Abstract starts with a statement of rationale and objectives and reports the methods used, the main results including any newly observed facts, and the principal conclusions and their significance. The Abstract should not contain:
• Abbreviations or acronyms
• References to tables or figures in the paper, Literature citations
• General statements

1. Introduction
Introduction defines the nature and extent of the problems studied, relates the research to previous work (usually by a brief review of the literature clearly relevant to the problem), (‘‘Studies showed that …’’), or (‘‘Studies have shown that …’’). Introduction explains the objectives of investigation (‘‘The objective of the current study was…’’) and defines any specialized terms or abbreviations to be used in what follows. Introduction leads logically to the hypothesis or principal theme of the paper. Do not repeat well-known facts nor state the obvious.

2. Materials and Methods
The purpose of this section is to present what has been done, how, and when, and how the data were analyzed and presented. This section should provide all the information needed to allow another researcher to judge the study or actually repeat the experiment. The section should include the following:
• Description of the study location (climate, soil, etc., to the extent such information is relevant to the study)
• Materials used, with exact technical specifications.
• Assumptions made and their rationale
• Statistical and mathematical procedures used to analyze and summarize the data.
Methods followed should be described, usually in chronological order, with as much precision and detail as necessary. Standard methods need only be mentioned, or may be described by reference to the literature. If the method is new it should be described in detail.

3. Results
This section presents the new knowledge; therefore, it is the core of the paper. The value of the paper depends on what is contained in this (Results) section, and it must be presented in an absolutely clear manner. It is usually easiest to follow the results if they are presented in the same order as the objectives are presented in the Introduction.
Some guidelines on presenting the results :
• Present the results simply and clearly
• Report only representative data rather than (endlessly) repetitive data
• Do not report large masses of data; reduce them to statistically analyzed summary forms and present in tables or figures along with essential statistical information to facilitate understanding and comparing them
• Repeat in the text only the most important findings shown in tables and graphs; in other words, do not repeat in the text all or many of the data presented in tables and figures
• Include negative data —what was not found—only if useful for interpreting the results
• Include only tables and figures that are necessary, clear, and worth reproducing.
Tables and figures are an integral part of a well-written scientific paper, and they appear in the Results section (but there are exceptions). While tables present accurate numbers, figures show trends and features. Do not present the same data in tables and graphs.

4. Discussion
This is the section where the authors explain meanings and implications of the results. The section pulls everything together and shows the importance and value of the work and is therefore the most innovative and difficult part of the paper to write. The authors’ skill in interpreting the results in the light of known facts and using the results as evidence for innovative explanations of the observed behavior should push the frontiers of knowledge and arouse the readers’ enthusiasm. Without such an engaging discussion, the reader may leave saying ‘‘So what?’’ and move on to other, more interesting papers.
A good discussion should:
• Not repeat what has already been said in the review of literature
• Relate the results to the questions that were set out in the Introduction
• Show how the results and interpretations agree, or do not agree, with current knowledge on the subject, i.e., previously published work
• Explain the theoretical background of the observed results
• Indicate the significance of the results
• Suggest future research that is planned or needed to follow up
• Deal with only the results reported in the study
• Stay away from generalizations and conjectures that are not substantiated by the results presented.
Mismatch between stated objectives and discussion/conclusion is a very common problem in many manuscripts. Often, authors make superficial statements such as ‘‘this work agrees with the work of author X (some unknown author’s work)’’ as though the objective of research was to see if the results agreed with some other author’s work published 20 or more years earlier. Another common problem in Discussion sections is the tendency to move away from the stated objectives and try to ‘‘solve all problems.’’ Here is the example of how differently the results obtained in a scientific research can be interpreted.
                        The story is about the elementary school science experiment to show the danger of alcohol: The  teacher set up two glasses, one containing water and the other containing gin. A worm was dropped into each glass. The worm in gin died immediately while the worm in water swam around merrily. When the teacher asked the pupils what the experiment showed, little Johnny blurted out ‘‘If you drink gin, you won’t have worms.’’

4. Conclusions
Conclusions that have been drawn from the results and subsequent discussion. Conclusions should, rather than just repeating results, state well-articulated outcomes of the study and briefly suggest future lines of research in the area based on findings reported in the paper. In poor writing, it is not uncommon to find conclusions such as ‘‘more research is needed before conclusions can be drawn.’’ In that case, why publish a paper from which conclusions cannot be drawn?

Who helped and how; what was the funding source?

References are cited in the text by square brackets [1]. Two or more references at a time may be put in one set of brackets [3, 4]. The references are to be numbered in the order in which they are cited in the text (e.g., “as discussed by Smith [9]”; “as discussed elsewhere [9, 10]”). All references should be cited within the text; otherwise, these references will be automatically removed. The recommended quantity of references is 15-25. The cited papers should be relatively recent (not older than 15 years!)

Cited by the Springer